Baraka Little Library was established in July of 2018 as a safe space for refugee mothers and children in Itaewon, Yongsan-Gu. We facilitate Korean language and Korean culture classes in order for the newly settled mothers and children to better familiarise themselves with our lifestyle, culture and learning environment. Aside from the language and culture classes, we also facilitate English, Math, Music, Art and Computer Science classes as well as after-school culture immersion sessions for their effective integration into our community. バラカの小さな図書館は、難民の母親と子どもたちが安心して過ごせる場所として梨泰院(イテウォン)に2018年7月に設立されました。難民の母親と子どもたちが安心して新しい生活をはじめられるように韓国語や文化的な支援に加え、英語、数学、音楽、アート、ICTなどの教育を放課後学習なども活用して提供しています。